Front Pocket
Drums, stomps and claps tick like a stopwatch. Silence, then the heat is on as synth repeats an urgent grind. A vocal calls for attention like they're watching the door. The synth, drums and taps quicken like a pulse, until a final refrain..
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Kostenloses Konto erstellenTrackdetails
- Tonart
- Em (endet in Em)
- Taktart
- null
- Tempo
- 150 bpm (endet bei 150)
- Temponoten
- Fast
- Track Album Nummer
- 4373/73
- Erscheinungsjahr
- 2024-10-14
- Verwertungsgesellschaft (PRO)
- Paul Dinletir - ASCAPAndres Gutierrez Moreno - BMI
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