Richie Follin

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Richie Follin is a producer, multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter and a composer for film.

Richie Follin

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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Richie Follin is an American producer, multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter and a composer for film. Richie is founder and frontman of legendary Californian garage-rock outfit The Willowz, with whom he has released seven studio albums. A prolific collaborator, other projects have included heavy metal psych-rock group Barracks, indie-rock trio Guards and the duo Follin with his sister Madeline, with whom he also played live with in Cults. For five years he was also guitarist and backing vocalist in CRX, the power-pop outfit fronted by Nick Valensi of The Strokes. In 2008, Richie released his solo debut, featuring Taylor Dawes of Dawes.

A prolific collaborator, other projects have included heavy metal psych-rock group Barracks, indie-rock trio Guards and the duo Follin with his sister Madeline, with whom he played live with in Cults.
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