Philip Guerin Anderson

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

A multi-instrumentalist, composer and contemporary classical artist, based in North Carolina.

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Philip G Anderson is a multi-instrumentalist, composer and contemporary classical artist, based in North Carolina. Philip has composed scores for numerous films and TV programmes and his music has been featured in major commercial productions, video games and movie trailers. His recent albums Figment (2021) and What Makes Us (2024) received widespread critical acclaim on release, and were named amongst the best contemporary classical releases of each year. Philip is also active in the ballet and dance world, having composed music for several dance performances and performed his music live with Atlanta-based dance company Kit Modus.

Philip’s recent albums Figment (2021) and What Makes Us (2024) received widespread critical acclaim on release, and were named amongst the best contemporary classical releases of each year.
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