Oriol Sirinathsingh

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Ein Komponist herausragender Musik für Werbung, Hollywood-Trailer und Videospiele.

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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

London-based composer and producer Oriol Sirinathsingh started his musical journey as a saxophonist, spending his formative years studying performance in Boston and NYC before turning to production and composition and returning to the UK. Oriol has released solo records for influential label Planet Mu, his music has also been featured on Tony Nwachukwu’s CDR imprint and has been championed by Mary Anne Hobbs and Gilles Peterson. Recent projects include music for advertising, Hollywood film trailers and music programming on an upcoming AAA video game.

Composer and producer Oriol has released solo records, and is creating music for advertising, Hollywood film trailers and an AAA videogame.
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