Matthew Clark
Musik für Film, TV und WerbungA blend of country, rock and blues, with a teaspoon of soulful gospel.
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Fate And The RiverJames Pickering | Matthew Clark Got You In My SightsJames Pickering | Matthew Clark Hustle HustleJames Pickering | Matthew Clark I'll Be Your AngelJames Pickering | Matthew Clark Jump On With UsJames Pickering | Matthew Clark
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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound
Matt Clark’s music is a blend of country, rock, and blues, with a teaspoon of soulful gospel for flavour and to pull the whole sound together. With mighty, driving guitar work accompanying the rootsy vocals, the songs are ensconced in a Southern Americana charm, but it’s that little bit of a gritty edge that helps to keep the toes tapping. This is the kind of music that speaks to the human condition. So much so, that you could easily imagine it accompanying nefarious actions, like the planning and/or execution of a robbery, but it also has enough uplifting nature built-in to couple with a story of redemption. This is music for grounded angels and upward-facing devils alike.
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