Luke Aekins-Rielly
Musik für Film, TV und WerbungCavalcade’s emotive indie-pop focuses on the struggles of young adult life.
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Curious GameAmberly Shepherd | Luke Aekins-Rielly HumanAmberly Shepherd | Luke Aekins-Rielly Twisted ParadiseAmberly Shepherd | Luke Aekins-Rielly Up ThereAmberly Shepherd | Luke Aekins-Rielly
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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound
Amberly and Luke, aka Cavalcade, hail from New Zealand and their music draws heavily on their backgrounds and the expanses of their home country. They are inspired by the vast and rugged landscape of their homeland, whilst also acknowledging the frustrations that the remoteness can engender, when dealing with feeling behind in terms of technology and opportunities. Since signing to Audio Network, they have released their debut EP, The Vacancy. This collection of indie pop songs, featuring Amberly’s ethereal vocals, focuses on the struggles of becoming a young adult, detachment and an internal struggle with what is right and what feels right at the time.
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