Katharine Penkin

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Weaving alt-pop melodies with soulful nuances, emotive vocals and compelling storytelling.

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Kat Penkin weaves alt-pop melodies with soulful nuances, emotive vocals and compelling storytelling. Providing brutally honest reflections on the shared struggles of her generation, her songs delve into themes of love, feelings of invincibility and self-discovery. Originally hailing from a small town in Perth, Western Australia, Kat moved to London in her early 20s, where she began documenting the complexities of growing up in a vibrant yet overwhelming city. Kat debuted with her single ‘Fuck Fast’ in 2020 and released the EP Checkmate in 2021. Now an independent artist, she’s gained recognition from BBC Radio 1 as well as support from Spotify, who have placed her songs on key playlists such as New Music Friday UK and Fresh Finds Pop. Her single, ‘Strangers’, premiered on BBC Radio 1’s Future Pop, solidifying her status as a rising star in the world of alternative pop.

Providing brutally honest reflections on the shared struggles of her generation, Kat’s songs delve into themes of love, feelings of invincibility and self-discovery.
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