Juan Carlos Rodriguez
Musik für Film, TV und WerbungA composer, producer and songwriter driven by a wide range of traditional Latin influences.
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Días GrisesElías Serpa | Juan Carlos Rodriguez AprovechandoElías Serpa | Juan Carlos Rodriguez De Nada Me ArrepientoElías Serpa | Juan Carlos Rodriguez Que Tengas SuerteElías Serpa | Juan Carlos Rodriguez Hace MuchoElías Serpa | Juan Carlos Rodriguez
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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound
A traditional, wide Latin influence drives composer, producer, and songwriter Juan Carlos Rodriguez’s sound, but he continually evolves it with the addition of influences like reggaeton. While he currently calls Venice, California home, Juan was born in Venezuela with a dream of becoming a great musician and composer. His own musical career began as the recording engineer on Shakira’s multi-platinum album Laundry Service. Juan holds a Film Music Composition degree from Berklee College of Music and is a four-time recipient of the BMI Film & TV Award for his work on East Los High. Sharing his gift with his community, Juan collaborates with Education Through Music to provide East LA low-income youth the opportunity for growth through music.
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