John Ashton Thomas
Musik für Film, TV und WerbungKomponist, Orchestrierer und Dirigent, der an über 160 Spielfilmen mitgewirkt hat.
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For SeanNick Beggs | John Ashton Thomas Parting ShotNick Beggs | John Ashton Thomas FatherNick Beggs | John Ashton Thomas LA HeartNick Beggs | John Ashton Thomas Beautiful BrokenNick Beggs | John Ashton Thomas
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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound
Composer, orchestrator, and conductor John Ashton Thomas studied composition and piano at Trinity College of Music and was awarded the senior composition prize. His orchestrations include “Ferdinand” and “How to Train your Dragon 3” and he’s contributed to over 160 feature films including “Captain America” and “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.” An accomplished pianist, John also created numerous arrangements for Diana Ross. His bespoke pieces are uplifting, designed towards a positive conclusion. He can imagine his work accompanying documentaries about the potential of the human spirit and the beauty that exists between cities. John is also experimenting with aleatoric music, which leaves some elements of the work open to the performer’s discretion which makes sense for someone with a background steeped in Jazz.
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