Composer and orchestrator who's worked with Michael Buble and John Legend
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The music of Los Angeles-based composer, orchestrator and arranger Joachim Horsley is seasoned by classical fusion and Afro-Caribbean influences. His piano studies started with classical and then segued to jazz. Like a chef that uses the entirety of the animal, Joachim has been known to employ the entire piano for percussion. This approach was on display in his work Via Havana, which musically united the classical and Afro-Carribean worlds. He studied at both Skidmore College in New York and Freie Universität in Berlin. Joachim has crafted arrangements for popular musicians Michael Bublé and John Legend, and orchestrated Ben Folds’ Piano Concerto. His work can be heard in DreamWorks TV’s “Spirit Riding Free” and Disney’s “Big City Greens.” Touring with his brother Erich as LittleHorse, the celebrated pair won Grand Prize in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest."
Like a chef that uses the entirety of the animal, Joachim has been known to employ the entire piano for percussion.
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