Jason Bowld

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Drummer mit langer Rock-Geschichte, derzeit bei Bullet For My Valentine

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

The driving beat you need, drummer, producer, and composer Jason Bowld unleashes percussive thunder like a true rock god. A member of Axewound and Bullet for my Valentine, his rhythmic mastery has led him to play and perform at drum festivals including Drumfest, Drummer live, and UDE, as well as to be an in-demand studio and tour drummer. Beyond pounding the skins, Jason is a masterful song-writer having co-written, performed, and produced two albums for his critically-acclaimed side-project — the band This is Menace — in addition to his writing duties for Axewound and Bullet for my Valentine. Unlike others who merely claim to have done so, Jason has truly seen a million faces and rocked them all.

Jason is a masterful song-writer having co-written, performed, and produced two albums for his critically-acclaimed side-project — the band This is Menace
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