Mitbegründer der preisgekrönten Musik- und Produktionsfirma Choppersaurus.
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UK Composer and ultimate showman Jake Shillingford has scored six Top 40 hits and toured for more than two decades as the frontman, singer, and songwriter with the orchestral Britpop ensemble My Life Story. In 2014, Jake partnered with collaborator Nick Evans to form Choppersaurus, an award-winning, independent music and production company based in Brighton. A lot of Jake’s production music features a heavy-driving beat with thick fuzzy guitars complimenting each other in an anthemic manner, but he’s also not averse to lighter, folkier pop fare. This ability to deliver musical diversity was distilled through years of touring and recording and also led to his placement as Head of Songwriting at Brighton's British Institute of Modern Music (BIMM).
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