Henry Castro
Musik für Film, TV und WerbungHenry’s compositions span jazz, pop, rock, South American folk and Afro-Cuban music.
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CandelaHenry Castro | Juan Carlos Rodriguez GuaracheraHenry Castro | Juan Carlos Rodriguez GuajiraHenry Castro | Juan Carlos Rodriguez Pa TalaoHenry Castro | Juan Carlos Rodriguez Chacha HavanaHenry Castro | Juan Carlos Rodriguez
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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound
Music producer, composer, arranger, pianist and sound engineer: Henry Castro is a man who wears a lot of hats in the music industry. He studied a dual major in Music Production & Sound Engineering and Contemporary Writing & Production at Berklee College of Music, and has developed skills in writing for ensembles spanning genres as varied as jazz, pop, rock, South American folk and Afro-Cuban music, among others. Henry is across both vintage and modern technologies related to sound editing and production, music production, sound for film and mixing, and has worked as sound engineer with songwriters, composers, singers, instrumentalists and other producers. He is also a band leader and has composed and performed his own original music at a variety of leading concert halls.
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