Guy Speakman

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

A musical combination of funk, electronics, and “lettin’ the pig out.”

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

In their own words, the music of Lono — comprised of Joe Downard and brothers Todd & Guy Speakman — is a combination of funk, electronics, and “lettin’ the pig out.” As you can imagine, eclectic is the name of the game and this trio has quite the musical pedigree. Hailing from Glastonbury, Todd and Guy grew up with music, as their father was a psychedelic guitarist. Bits of that psychedelia translates into their dance music, but as does world beats, jazz, and electro. At an early age, they watched crowds to understand how to properly lay down an effective rhythm and melody. They tour the world as the masked duo Speakman Sound which extends beyond performance to art, film production, and education.

In their own words, the music of Lono — comprised of Joe Downard and brothers Todd & Guy Speakman — is a combination of funk, electronics, and “lettin’ the pig out.”
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