Soundtrack-Komponist, der westliche Orchesterkonventionen mit chinesischer Instrumentierung vereint
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Growing up in Texas, George Shaw looked to the melodies of John Williams, Alan Menken and Alan Silvestri to transport him to faraway worlds filled with aliens, monsters, and Jedi. Now every bit as successful as any of his early heroes, the acclaimed soundtrack composer is finally using the music of cinema to reconnect with his own cultural heritage, fusing western orchestral conventions with traditional Chinese instrumentation performed by some of the world’s most brilliant specialist musicians. Previous credits include YouTube’s Escape the Night and the films Baby Steps and Someone I Used to Know, while as a composer he has been selected for the Universal Composers Initiative, championing diversity through his work on the Composers Diversity Collective executive committee.
The acclaimed soundtrack composer is using the music of cinema to reconnect with his own cultural heritage, fusing western orchestral conventions with traditional Chinese instrumentation.
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