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Multi-instrumentalist who has worked with Tony Allen, Keziah Jones, Seun Kuti and Gregory Isaacs.

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Kodjovi Kush is an acclaimed multi-instrumentalist who has worked alongside Tony Allen, Keziah Jones, Seun Kuti, Finley Quaye, Cheikh-Lo and Gregory Isaacs. Born in Togo, West Africa, he honed his skills at the Maître Dosseh Lomé Piano Conservatory. Following a spell accompanying Togolese ballet troupes across Europe, Kush landed in London since the mid-90s, when the Africa Centre was a stronghold for African cultures and home away from home. He has since dedicated himself to gathering those same musicians to perform with him, at festivals including Glastonbury and WOMAD, while developing his own skills in Audio Engineering. Working in collaboration with the Afrospot All Stars, Kush is the number one interpreter of Agbajazz, which fuses the indigenous dance music of West Africa’s Ewe tribe (Agbadja) with Afro-Cuban, jazz and reggae influences.

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