Chris Warner

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Composer, sound designer and orchestrator for TV, theatre, film and media.

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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Composer, sound designer, arranger, and orchestrator Chris Warner couples his passion for storytelling to his knowledge of music and sound to craft original soundtracks for TV, theatre, film and media. In theatre, Chris has created original scores and helped shape sound design for more than thirty productions. In film, he has worked on additional orchestrations and score preparations for soundtracks, including the award-winning “Common People,” and he created the arrangements for Children’s BAFTA-nominated work “BBC Make a Miracle.” His media compositions have been recorded at the Abbey Road and mixed by industry pros like Haydn Bendall and Rob Kelly. The uncanny ease with which Chris creates a mood with his music, especially with strings, makes his music infinitely compelling.

Composer, sound designer, arranger, and orchestrator Chris Warner couples his passion for storytelling to his knowledge of music and sound to craft original soundtracks for TV, theatre, film and media
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