Carlos José Alvarez

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Mit seinem einzigartigen Talent erschuf er kraftvolle und bewegende Melodien für zahlreiche Filme.

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

With a lifelong passion for music and a deep love of cinema, Carlos José Alvarez was destined to compose music for the screen. Growing up in a Cuban American household, he was exposed to a whole range of music, from the Cuban masters to the great symphonies. Carlos started formally studying music at an early age and upon graduation, was awarded a scholarship to attend the prstigious Berklee College of Music. Alvarez's versatility is evident throughout his work and he has scored and contributed music to numerous films, from the award winning 'Still Alice', 'Fame' and 'The Quiet Hour' to critically acclaimed 'Cubamerican'. His music can also be heard in a variety of trailers for Universal Pictures as well as over 100 commercials. In his artistic process, he considers himself as much a storyteller as a composer. His unique talent to craft powerful and moving melodies is quickly making him one of Hollywood's go to composer.

Alvarez's versatility is evident throughout his work
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