Angel Balán

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Composer and producer renowned for his versatility within the Latin American music genres.

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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Angel Balán is a Venezuelan composer, arranger, conductor and music producer renowned for his versatility within the Latin American music genres and beyond. Balán graduated in Composition from the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Musicales (IUDEM), Caracas, Venezuela. He currently lives in Valencia, Venezuela, where he has his own recording studio and is a professor of Composition at the Valencia Conservatory of Music. Balán has worked as a producer and arranger for many internationally recognised artists, including Simón Díaz and Huáscar Barradas. His ethos is, ‘Creativity has no limits as long as you connect with the root and essence of what you want to express. Let your work speak for you.’

Balán has worked as a producer and arranger for many internationally recognised artists, including Simón Díaz and Huáscar Barradas.
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