Amy West

Musik für Film, TV und Werbung

Amy West kombiniert gefühlvollen Gesang mit zeitlosem Songwriting, das Pop, R & B und Jazz mischt

Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound

Like her great musical heroes Amy Winehouse, Aretha Franklin and Adele, Amy West combines supple, soul-bearing vocals with timeless songwriting mixing pop, R&B and jazz. A graduate of NYU’s prestigious Tisch School of the Arts, the Santa Barbara singer has since worked extensively in Los Angeles, writing and performing music. It was there that she met guitarist and producer Ethan Kaufmann, a contributor to her first solo EP Notebook One, and her collaborator on recent Audio Network release Faux Friends.

Like her great musical heroes Amy Winehouse, Aretha Franklin and Adele, Santa Barbara singer-songwriter Amy West combines supple, soul-bearing vocals with timeless songwriting mixing pop, R&B and jazz
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