Musik für Film, TV und WerbungLondon composer and producer of “gritty, sync-able, blues and rock ‘n roll"
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Die Geschichte hinter dem Sound
London artist, composer, and producer Aaron Jones works under the moniker of Greighwolfe. He describes his work as “gritty, sync-able, blues and rock 'n roll” and it’s informed by the stark fictional worlds of television show The Walking Dead and video game Left for Dead, as well as the savage current times. As such, the tracks have a dark, urban feel and tell a story in three stages, taking a protagonist from the brutality of the world through their triumph. Despite some fantastical inspiration, his sound constantly feels grounded in reality and truth. Greighwolfe looks to dive even deeper into the blues as his sound continues to grow and evolve. Always performing, when not creating music Greighwolfe works as an actor.
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