Tools of the Trade: Rises
A wide selection of rises from chopped and stuttering to musical and percussive, tonal and whirring.
Ain't Miss BehavenKevin Rix Delta GirlSteffan Koch The Worry BirdPaul Dinletir TangerineGreg Townley Sweet StuffKevin Rix Rose EttaSteffan Koch Puddin's PridePaul Dinletir The Big NoiseGreg Townley Dixie JaneKevin Rix Section EightSteffan Koch Ramblin' WreckPaul Dinletir Short SnorterSteffan Koch That's All JackKevin Rix Why WorrySteffan Koch Windy LouPaul Dinletir Passionate WitchKevin Rix MollitaPaul Dinletir Ida WannaSteffan Koch Little ChumKevin Rix Frivolous SalPaul Dinletir Eastward HupSteffan Koch Dinah MightKevin Rix Borrowed TimePaul Dinletir Deuces WildKevin Rix Final ApproachSteffan Koch Three Cads and a LadPaul Dinletir Marjorie AnnKevin Rix Inside CurveSteffan Koch Grusom' Crewsom'Kevin Rix Manchester MissesSteffan Koch Bachelor's DenSteffan Koch Dorothy CSteffan Koch Hank from DixieSteffan Koch Four FreedomsSteffan Koch Ma Tête RougeSteffan Koch Chance VoughtPaul Dinletir GrummanKevin Rix LockheedPaul Dinletir ThunderboltKevin Rix JunkersPaul Dinletir End of a GunKevin Rix OutlanderPaul Dinletir P-51 MustangKevin Rix Supermarine SpitfirePaul Dinletir CorsairKevin Rix SuperfortressPaul Dinletir IroncladKevin Rix ChronometerKevin Rix BegumPaul Dinletir CanvasKevin Rix DeadlightSteffan Koch FoxchasePaul Dinletir RoundelKevin Rix TeardropSteffan Koch ParavanePaul Dinletir Zoinks!Kevin Rix ObviateSteffan Koch Whirling DervishKevin Rix CupolaSteffan Koch PrimroseKevin Rix RegenbogenSteffan Koch MulhouseKevin Rix DoppelschlagSteffan Koch FreelanderPaul Dinletir GoodwoodKevin Rix HusarGreg Townley PaderbornKevin Rix SankoSteffan Koch IchigoPaul Dinletir CannedGreg Townley SabineSteffan Koch RegattaPaul Dinletir MailfistGreg Townley BroadswordKevin Rix SleuthPaul Dinletir MeridianKevin Rix ExporterSteffan Koch DukedomGreg Townley RapierKevin Rix BalsamPaul Dinletir ScupperSteffan Koch TransomKevin Rix TurretGreg Townley U-GoPaul Dinletir LiegeKevin Rix Tornado WatchGreg Townley TalonSteffan Koch CulverinKevin Rix RathuntPaul Dinletir PioneerKevin Rix AlacritySteffan Koch CurtainPaul Dinletir JaywickKevin Rix ScrewdriverSteffan Koch CountenancePaul Dinletir CollieKevin Rix Boarding PartyPaul Dinletir BirdseedKevin Rix LorrainePaul Dinletir ArdennesKevin Rix CharleroiPaul Dinletir BirkeKevin Rix Weser ExercisePaul Dinletir MarnePaul Dinletir AntwerpPaul Dinletir ZitronellaPaul Dinletir GinchyPaul Dinletir ChappellePaul Dinletir VerdunPaul Dinletir HalfbackPaul Dinletir CarthagePaul Dinletir GrousePaul Dinletir IbroxPaul Dinletir The SepalsPaul Dinletir PerianthPaul Dinletir MusketoonPaul Dinletir HarboragePaul Dinletir AlsosPaul Dinletir BurzaPaul Dinletir MagpiePaul Dinletir BernhardPaul Dinletir KadellaPaul Dinletir KarnevalSteffan Koch MosulPaul Dinletir PastoriusSteffan Koch Nivelle OffensiveGreg Townley VenonaKevin Rix GlowkiPaul Dinletir Hundred DaysSteffan Koch MannaGreg Townley RabatPaul Dinletir WorekKevin Rix KeelhaulSteffan Koch IsonzoPaul Dinletir EicheKevin Rix RugenPaul Dinletir BoddenSteffan Koch TannenbergPaul Dinletir GaliciaPaul Dinletir Great RetreatPaul Dinletir Ignite (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Daybreak (Key of A)Steffan Koch Luminosity (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Gleam (Key of A)Steffan Koch Alight (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Jubilant (Key of A)Steffan Koch Debonaire (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Prospect (Key of A)Steffan Koch Gossamer (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Beacon (Key of A)Steffan Koch Occult (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Euphoric (Key of A)Steffan Koch Destined (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Nostalgic (Key of A)Steffan Koch Stupefaction (Key of A)Paul Dinletir Mythos (Key of A)Steffan Koch Jovial (Key of A)Paul Dinletir
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