Tomorrow's Memories
Collin Desha of Low Hum delivers an energetic mix of anthemic indie-rock, synth-rock, 80s new wave and progressive indie-psych. Brimming with catchy synths, punchy guitar riffs and pushy drum grooves plus bass, synth pads and male vocals.
Goodbye Today Hello TomorrowCollin Desha Falling DeepCollin Desha | Richard Craker Dumb AnimalCollin Desha | Patrick Logothetti | Brijesh Pandya Feared Not The FrightenedCollin Desha | Brijesh Pandya Like A Fever DreamCollin Desha | Andrés Villalobos The Prophet (Get Free)Collin Desha | Brijesh Pandya Today Is Tomorrow's MemoriesCollin Desha | Cameron Dmytryk | Brijesh Pandya Fire StarterCollin Desha | Brijesh Pandya
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